The Alsyglion Group is an intergalactic and higher dimensional space command comprised of Ultra-dimensional ETs, also known as Universals, who originally came from a physical galaxy named Alsyglion.  While the galaxy was physical, the lives of the Universals were lived on etheric and higher dimensions. This means they could have had lives on planets we would consider uninhabitable, such as Venus, Jupiter and Saturn in our solar system, where vibrant higher etheric advanced civilizations have flourished for millions of years.
Currently, 12 members of the Alsyglion Group, reside on a high frequency Arcvanna spaceship larger then the planet Jupiter. They work and play in dimensions from the 8th through the 44th & higher. The Intergalactic 'aspect' of my wife and I are part of this group. The Arcvanna (which is not visible in the physical 3D realms), is located on the outer edge of our solar system and way beyond the heliosphere of our Sun. There are other Alsyglion Group Universal ET members in different galaxies and in a few other solar systems in this galaxy. We are all connected and they work with the Christ Group and the Intergalactic Mission as we do and we often visit one another in the different galaxies.

The Alsyglion galaxy physically disappeared into a vortex or dimensional void millions of years ago. The void is visible on higher frequencies as an immense starlike projection the dimensional ETs call the Great Central Sun.   The Alsyglion Galaxy transformed and is still visible to the Universal ETs on the 10th and higher frequencies.

The Alsyglion Group has been a part of 'The Christ Group' (created by Sananda), and The Intergalactic Mission since their inception countless eons ago. They operate under the sacred direction of Sananda, who was known as Yehoshua (Jesus) on planet Earth.


About Marc Extraterrestrials The Mission Marc's UFO Photography
